Saturday, January 8, 2011

Roadtrip 2011 : Jejalan Cari Makan Bentong, Pahang

It was a great roadtrip kick-off for 2011...

Amy, Jepp and I in front of Amy's Kafe Keraton in Bentong, Pahang...

Initially it was supposed to all 4 of them have to pull out...jaja was ordered by her boss to go to the office (it was saturday hokey)...ned was sick...ina was not in the mood...and ha was given a condition by her hubby that she was only allowed if there's another gal in the the was me alone that can make it...luckily jepp was it was only jepp and his brand new proton neo...wuhuuuu...


Jepp looked as if he was possessed while eating...wahhhh...sedap ler tu...

We set the coordinate to Bentong, Pahang in jepp's GPS...then off we went for 1 hour 45 mins ride to Bentong thru the forever hectic MRR2...we reached Bentong and quickly made a pit stop at Linda Vass's (affectionately nicknamed L*V) home...then off we went to Amy's restaurant in the middle of Bentong city...Kafe was such a small world that Linda's parents are regular customer at Amy's kafe in Bentong...hahaha...

Pak Chu's Sate...

Mee Bandung Muar cooked by Amy's father...

We started our journey to bloated ourselves at Amy's Kafe Keraton...we had white rice...chilie sambal squids...fried eggs...and the ultimate cuisine in any part of Pahang...masak lemak tempoyak ikan patin (i don't know how to translate it in english) wonder this particular cafe is the favorite hang out joint for Linda's parents...Amy does have a talent to cook...and on top of that...Amy specially prepared for us caramel pudding for dessert...whoaaaa...we left Kafe Keraton with a big smile on our faces and a full stomach to boot...

Specially made for us...the caramel pudding...we were touched...thanks Amy...

We went back to Linda's to take a rest and pray...Aina drop by with her adorable daughter Sofia and we all have a chat and getting to know each other...okay...the circle goes on like this...Amy is my ex varsity mate...Linda and Jepp are both my officemates...Aina is my in a way...i was the centrepoint of getting them my friends are friends with my another huh...Linda prepared fried mee and tea for us...a good attempt from the host...i can feel all the fats garnered in volume as i was putting everything into my mouth...whoaaa...sadly Aina had to leave and can't join our program...

We continued our journey to Sate Pak Chu...the size of the sate is a bit smaller than Sate Kajang...but i particularly love the beef sate...the spices were all embedded inside the beef and bring the aromatic flavor to it...whoaaa...

The flock flies together thru thick and thin...yeahhh...

Last but not least...mee bandung muar by bapak amy...giler sedap hoooo...since we were all are quite full due to extensive eating since arriving in Bentong...we just split a bowl of the mee to the three of us...but it was enough for me to say that it was worth every ringgit...mantap siotttt bapak amy punya mee bandung muar...its a must for next outing for another roadtrip to Bentong...
Setting up the next route for another roadtrip...

Overall i had a great day...the roadtrip 2011 : Jejalan Cari Makan Bentong, Pahang was a great success...we ate non-stop...we chatted and we laughed...and we gained new friends...widening our friendbase...and satisfying my appetite to the boot...all thanks to Linda, Amy, Jepp and Aina for making it one of the most memorable day of 2011...its indeed a great kick-off for roadtrip 2011 : Jejalan Cari Makan...expect more to come...hehehe...

1:06 a.m
9 January 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Professional And Personal

Year end and early financial year is a nightmare for finance people...

I was having dinner with my friends in Tony Roma's in Sunway (Fendi's paying coz he got big fat bonussss)...was aiming to refill 15 times the bottomless Ice Lemon Tea...having combo steak dinner with prawns...fried mushroom...onion rings...and was expecting to have molten choc for dessert...when my big boss called me up and asked me to go to the office right away because there is an emergency...and it was dinner time...

Being a good officer...i packed up my things...had to leave my friends while at the same time were blabbering to me about how hard it was to have a group dinner between all of us and i had to leave early because of the work demand...huhuhuhu...i am no workaholic...but i tried my best to do the things that is within my jobscope as smoothly as i can...

Off me go to the parking lot and rempitlah di LDP itu...dengan jem nyer...aiyooo...finally reached the office...done the things that i was required to do and within my jurisdiction...wahhh...kelasss bunyi nyer...and now currently waiting for the clock to strike 12 midnite to ensure that it will be the end of financial 2010...then i can go home...

I felt kinda bad about rushing off from the dinner with my very-hard-to-meet friends...i bet i have to hear every single one of them fretting about it for weeks to come...yeah...i am not kidding...but whatever it is...for me personally...job does not come first...its all about prioritising between the two according to the level of priority at the specific doesn't mean that i put my work above my friends and families...its just that...sometimes...professional life does require us to make some sacrifice...this is one of those times that i had to do that...i feel bad about it...

Professional and personal...its always hard to separate between the two...

11:37 p.m
6 January 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Unforgettable Lunch

Its a great start to 2011...

Had lunch today with some of my good buddies in Burger King Alamanda...we were chatting and laughing like nobody's business...and of course we ate too...

I ruined my 'aiming for 1 inch lesser for January 2011'...

But it was for a great cause...

Coz it was indeed one of those memories that will stuck in your head and your heart forever...

Its the unforgettable lunch...

Masya allah...buruk bebenor la rupa aku...but i had great time...hehehe...

6:22 p.m
5 January 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Irrevocable Differences

What does it means exactly...

Always heard it been uttered so many times when people separating from each other...

But now i had a good comprehension of what it meant...

What a way to know...

7:39 p.m
4 January 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Deleted Entry

Terpaksa aku delete entry yang lalu...

Takut ada yang sentap...


4:58 p.m
3 January 2011