Thursday, June 28, 2012

3 is the new digit...

I just turn 30 a few weeks ago...

Still...i don't feel like i am 30...

More or less i am like 40...

I don't enjoy night life anymore...

I prefer to stay at the comfort of my own home...

I spent more time in the office than i do at home...

Should have called my home as my second home and the office is the first...


I am becoming a more boring person than i already am...

And i am getting older...

And older...

No one is getting benjamin button here yer...

I am blur...i got lost...i drowned...

In the midst of the height of life...

I need to do something more with my life...

What should i do?



Naz said...

One thing u (and i) should do, Mal. It is sky diving! Tapi tak tau la pulak kalau ko dah penah buat.

Hasina Terebuzzu said...

what shud u do??? kawen je la mal oiii.. ada life sket bila dh blk umah.. hahahaha

alhadihamzah said...

welcome to the 3-series club :D

nihadriz said...

aku setuju dgn cadangan naz. hehehehe~ jom sky diving! :D