Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Best Friend's Wedding - Puan Mala

Our friendship is kinda least of how it started...

We are in the same service...we were in the same batch during our 6 months course...she's my senior per say...but we are of the same age...we never spoke to each other during that 6 months course...first of all we were never in the same 'sidang'...but we were both in the same dance group as well as archery group...but well...the will has it that we never spoke to each other...but she kept remind me that she used to say hi and i just replied hi...and that's it...ermmm...i am a shy person la...hahaha...

Then...months after we finished with our 6 months course...never spoke to each other still...but i came across her blog...interesting read i might say...i left few comments and she replied...and that was how it started...from leaving comments on each other's blog...then we basically went for a happens that we can get along so well...its funny how few simple words in blog can do what 6 months course didn't...its ironic...but that is just how we ended up being very good friends...

To Puan Malahayati

Congratulations on your wedding...may your married life will be a blissful one and filled with love and laughter until ever after...but still i want to have permission from your beloved hubby to bbm you from time to time just to rant and rave as usual...hehehe...

As for mine...ermmm...lets see how it goes shall we...hehehe...



missbehave said...

Salam...saw u yesterday but segan nak say hie ..

marmalade said...

so sweettttt. thank you for dedicating this entry for me! :) and yes, of course we can still talk. i think H is still amazed at how you can eat two rounds during the kenduri. hahahahahahahaha.

amazing friendship, i must say. ada ups and downs. but it is one of the best. thank you datang my house teman berinai sampai tido2! and also habiskan makanan. hahahahahahaha.

Resm A. said...

Missbehave :
Lorrrr...awatnya segan...isyk isyk isyk...kalau tak dah kenal dah sekarang...hehehe...

Resm A. said...

Puan Hayati :
I memang sweet pon...lagi comel dan adorable gitu...hahaha...

Lorrrr...apesal orang nak heran eh...sebab i muka memang tak tau malu kan bila mai bab makan...well you know me...hahaha...

well...can wait to meet with Hayati+H junior...nanti i ajaq dia camna mau menghayati hidup melalui makanan...hahaha...