Monday, October 12, 2009

Plastic Bags Vs Paper Bags

I don't like plastic bags (total anti-plastic and it applied for both definition)
I am not that keen on using paper bags as well (deforestation, HELLO!)
So now i just use woven bags....but people just sneered at me when i use TESCO woven bag in Carefour Alamanda....hurmmmm....????
Love your planet, say NO to plastic bags...
Make sense?


Cherrie Pie Sweety said...

ha ha ha .. aku ni bukan environmentalist..that is Fara n Zetty i suppose.. but that doesn't make me sneer at people who use woven bag though.. entahla..manusia ni macam2

xetxet said...

keh keh keh...

Resm A. said...

cher : hurmmm...itu aku heran...kata nak green planet...tapi bila aku pakai woven bag tu cam ada ajer orang jeling..rasanya mebi sebab pakai beg tesko kat kayfor kot...huhuhu

zet : bila mau amik ikan perkasam nie...udah jadi perkasam sudah...

papaYA said...

Aku gi pasar pun bawa plastik sendri.. n aku marah betul orang beli barang kecil2 pun nak amik plastik. Ape gune handbag ko yang besar gedabak tu. *geram*