I just read my fellow blogger's latest entry about A Caring Boyfriend is A Lousy Boyfriend ...interesting...because my experience was the other way around...when you read the entry you'll understand...
I used to have an ex who would demand me to sms/ call every single morning, afternoon, evening and before going to sleep without fail...if i fail to sms/ call any one of the time frame, there would be a hell to pay...merajuk tak ingat dunia...and being me, ~ada aku kesah~...if you are going to succumb to your own sad world of grumbleness, be my guest...unless if i had done something extremely wrong to deserve a cold shoulder, then i would try to rectify the situation...but if the reason just because i missed one of the 'important' phone call, well then....pergi la merajuk sorang sorang...ooopppsss dah terlari daripada tajuk la plak...
One thing for sure is, there is no specific code of conduct regarding caring...some people would said that actions speak better than words, some would love colorfoul flowerish words, some would even prefer some 'touch'? erkkk...the way i care about others would differs from how others care about their respective partners, friends and family...it is a very subjective choice...a choice that is totally meant individually...if one's choose to show the way he/ she care about their respective partners thru lovely words...be my guest...i am not a 'wordish' person...i don't really believe in giving romantic words...one thing, because i sucks at it...secondly, because i am not hopelessly romantic but i am romantically hope-less...so, don't expect beautiful wordings from me lah...
Now it comes down to how actually you would term that particular partner of yours are lousy or caring? is it from the endearments used? is it from the presents? is it from the attentions given? these are all subjective questions that have different answers if you ask different person...
All in all, as long as you are happy with your relationship...just do the things that make you happy...if the constant calls would enhance your communication, do it....if terms of endearments would florish the love between you, say it...if a present can brighten up your day, buy it (subject to financial ability lah, don't go on making yourself buried in debt because you want to give your respetive partner an LV)...if a touch can calm them down, ermmmm, ask them to pray to god lah....mana boleh sentuh sentuh ni, batal air semayang...hahahah...mamal going on with yet another senseless ramblings...
9:49 a.m
5 February 2010
Entahlar Mal, Wan n I have been the most clingy couple since day 1 and we like it that way. Kalau dia outstation, he will call when he arrived, when he's going for dinner, when he's about to sleep and vice versa. And you knew damn well, bila kat modul luar DPA, he was always with his cell. He even borrowed one of your cells bila dia punya rosak tak boleh SMS aku masa modul kampung..
It has to be mutual. Kalau gefren tak suke, the gurl better tell his boy. Menyimpan rasa tidak puas dalam hati isn't going to solve anything and it will only lead to an ugly break-up. If he cant change (along with many other things she doesnt like about him), better off going separate ways..
call every morning/arternoon/evening/night?
sms every 10 minutes?
that's worse than prison. 'nuff said.
(Damn,comel siut nama kau,cuddly)...First,thanks for linking to my article..
Oh ya, I like touch..I like physical contact with my girlfriend...Baru ada connection ;-D
Rather than talking on the phone, I like to meet her face to face...Then later it will become a body to body meeting...:-)
yaya : its good that both of you enjoy it that way...but for some (this is what i got among my friends), they also like to have their own space...and their own peace of mind...not constantly thinking about their partner every single seconds...and some people do like to call up everyday...but it is from their own willingness, not ordered to do so...when it became and order, it subsequently change into an ordeal, then it wont be as fun as your own heart-willingness to connect to each other...at least that is what i know of la...but its great for both of you...i am happy for both of you...
hadi : aha...yeah it does feel as if you are monitored under full scrunity of a secret agent of some sort...and it was a total uneasy feelings...
kc : not a prob bro...i like reading your entries...coz we always have a different ideas about lots of things, so it is kinda interesting...mamal tu nama aku sejak aku masuk govt ini...comel, secomel orangnya la..hahahah...you like touching touching...hurmmm...no comment here...its up for individual la...body to body connection?erkkk that sounds so double meaning if i know it...hahahahah
i prefer to have me-time, us-time, family-time, alone-time, if you get what i mean.
i think i cant be with someone who needs constant attention all the time (ko ingat aku takde keje/life nak ngadap ko je? hahahaha). RIMAS. and i expect the same from my partner too, no need to give contant attention either. takyah la duk calling2 check aku buat ape, dekat mana, dengan sape, dah makan ke belum (kalau aku belum makan, bila lapar pandai la aku carik makanan kan? dah besar panjang kut). tu bukan caring, tu annoying. hahaha.
then again, different people lain la beb. tak kisah la janji sendiri happy kan?
owh hell yeah....gimme five ara...thats exactly what i mean...couples need to have their own life...have their own time la...takkan la nak berkepit 24/7...memang rimas and annoying...(for me and some others la)...tapi kalau ada orang suka camtu...well then...okay la kan...if that works for certain someone, doesn't mean it works for another certain someone...all you have to do is be honest or else, both are going to waste their own time pretending...
bila mahu ada gf...
dalam planning...tunggu la bulan depan...hehehehe...ooopppsss
hahahaha... this is interesting.
akmal, i really cannot give my two cents on this. hahah. my views are completely different =)
zet : well...this is an individual opinion...i linked this particular entry to a friend's blog...
mala : my friend's view also different from me...lets hear it la...
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