Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Week Of 2010...

Okay...this is like my second entry in the whole week of the year 2010....alamak...aku dah nak dekat umur 28...and its just about 6 months and 2 days away (8 JUNE 2010)tolong ingat yaaaaaaa....first week of the year 2010....takder aper yang berubah...everything seems to be just like last year...except for two things....

i managed to quit burning my money for a while and saved up quite a sum
RM7.80 per pack for two days...for one month is RM7.80x15=RM117....wacha...i can actually save up at least this sum of money per month if i ditch smoking completely....wahhhh...boleh masuk tabung travel mamal ini....and can set up another traveling destination...hoooreyyy....itu pun kalau boleh betul terus brenti hisap rokok la...so far already almost 6 days of nicotine free...

last nite i seriously surprised myself bila aku decline a scrumptious and delicious blueberry cheesecake...arkkkk...kawan aku terperanjat and aku pun terperanjat gak...i never said NO to a good food before (my definition of good food are those with lotssss of fats)...wowieee....seriously rasa pelik jugak dengan diri sendiri....how did i managed that....hurmm...that is a mystery....

so far aku punya resolution started off quite well...hope that it will continue...and skg ni aku giler cakap perancis plak...thanks to mr kudos itu la...the perfectly trilingual....and then turns out quite a number of my friends who can speak french....much to my surprised....and aku sorang ajer dok gila blajaq cakap german....hurmmm...c'est la vie....

semalam aku dah isi semua permohonan gi obesi la....7 out of 9....sebab yang 7 ni memang dah konpem...and then aku siap buat countdown kat blog aku nie bila aku nak pi sana....and mala cakap aku ni contribute kepada global warming sebab banyak carbon emission....hurmmm.....camna nak wat....dah cuti pun pendek pendek ajer...kalau boleh cuti sebulan, mau ajer aku naik kapal/ cruise...hahahah....yang lagi 2 permohonan tu still pending...as for abu dhabi sebab tunggu promo ticket...and as for seattle plak...aku tengah tunggu tengok perjalanan jodoh...kalau ada jodoh...tak gi la seattle....kalau takdak jodoh lagi....SEATTLE HERE I COME BEBEH!!!!....hahahaha

aku dapat new boss...and so far aku boleh kerja dengan dia well enough la which is good for me...as my boss is the one who will endorsed everything that i done...my mistakes, my success...semua pon my boss will get name la...jadi dapat get along well dengan boss is essential to ensure the work are done...and if there is compliment from others....my boss get name la....me? i am just happy working for that and i know that i had contribute towards ensuring my professional life ran as smoothly as my personal....and furthermore...aku ada la attend satu ceramah semalam....kerja bukan untuk boss...KERJA UNTUK ALLAH...hurmmm...can be take into consideration...sebab it is true anyway...some people are just afraid to pointed out 'incorrect'-ness sebab takut nanti appraisal dapat rendah sebab slalu dok point out certain mistakes...tapi bila aku pikiaq balik, insya allah...kalau benda tu betul kita buat, and kita yakin dengan Allah...insya allah, Allah akan bantu kita...maybe tak bley nak dapat high marks la kan...tapi Allah permudahkan urusan kehidupan kita....maybe bukan dalam ertikata harta benda...but just our daily endeavours....pasal ni aku kena yakin skit....sebab this is totally disregard the TWO RULES....and everyone knows about that two rules....tapi skali lagi aku ingatkan diri....aku kerja kerana Allah....hanya Allah yang memberikan rezeki kepada hambaNya...insya allah.....jadi cam ceramah agama plak la aku nie...takper ingatkan diri ajer....

2010...hope that you will bring me hope and success...and also show me the gaiety of life while i am on searching for the greatness....may all of us have glorious days of our life....in the year 2010...kudos...bonne journée!

10:22 a.m
6 January 2010


SurayaHarris said...

ok great!may 2010 ni akmal lebih banyak travel dan bawa pulang lebih banyak fridge magnet untuk Suraya..=)

SurayaHarris said...

Well thanks!Suraya Nenenable to Harris only..

marmalade said...

heheh global warming. naik kapal masyuk oooooo... tapi yang macam cruise ah. kalau setakat whaler... baik takyah =p

Resm A. said...

suraya : boleh kot....insya allah...yang prague dengan paris ni pon dah berhabuk kat dalam laci aku korang taknak amik lagiiiii...

mala : naik whaler gi indonesia????i dont think so.....hahahah

Al Hadi said...

my next trip, Medan this 17 Jan. Next aku x plan lagi hahahaha

Resm A. said...

jadikah nak gi china hujung tahun ini untuk bermain salju?

'arif said...

kene tambah lg satu countdown.."kahwin!"

Resm A. said...

calon takder lagi bro...