Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Real Guys Don't Cook...Weirdo?

Aku suka makan...aku malas nak kuar rumah...oleh itu aku masak sendiri...

But there's someone who thinks that i am a weirdo coz i cook...and bake...hurmmm...

The person mentioned that its un-manly...

Real guy don't cook...

Then i presume Chef Ramsey (Hell's Kitchen) and Jamie Olliver (Naked Chef) are weirdo then?

And many other male chefs around the globe...iron chef too (i love iron chef)...

But, biaq pi lah...aku sendiri masak, aku sendiri makan...aku sendiri happy...

But i do respect the person's personal view on this...its a freedom of speech...

p.s:aku menulis entry ini sambil menikmati my signature dessert, caramel chocolate pudding...yummy

12:30 p.m
27 Mei 2010


SurayaHarris said...

yup yup..ignore them..future wife kau nanti juga akan happy dgn tabiat kau ni..

ps:kau buat aku nak mkn kek..cinabeng

Cikgu ILi said...

Aku selalu berangan nak ada laki pandai masak macam ko..
Gile...pengakuan jujur.

Resm A. said...

cikgu suraya :
hurmmm...mungkin juga...boleh ler aku main tepung ala afdlin dengan vanida imran cam dalam citer sepi tu...heheeh

cikgu ili :
harap harap ada la orang yang berpendapat cam ko tapi tak kawin lagi...
pengakuan jujur...

xetxet said...

i love men who can cook... but James can;t cook. dammit!

Resm A. said...

you kena ajar la dia...hahahaa

SurayaHarris said...

mal,tak mau cth tu.sbb nanti wife kau mati

Resm A. said...

mana ada vanidah imran mati dalam citer tu...

Blubewwy said...

omg who said that??! for me, men who can cook are sexxayy!! my hubby is one of them! sizzleSSs!~~